The Student Council meeting will be held after school tomorrow, Oct. 5th. Please see Mrs. Mckibben with any questions.
There are still spots available for any Juniors and Seniors interested in taking the practice SAT test next week. Please see Mrs. Fitzpatrick.
HS students interested in Mock Trial may sign-up in the office. There will be a meeting next week to discuss details. Please see Mrs. Gast or Mrs. Lucas with questions.
Anyone interested in participating on the HS Academic team should sign-up with Mrs. Noll. There will be a mandatory meeting this Friday, Oct. 6th, during Zero Period in Mrs. Noll's room.
8th Graders interested in going on the class trip to Washington D.C. in the Spring, please see Mr. Gray for scholarship applications that could help with the cost!
Juniors and Seniors interested in exploring the programs offered at Cincinnati State, which include: Audio Visual, Early Childhood Education, Computer Networking, Surgical Tech and more, should see Mrs. McKinney by this Friday, Oct. 6th to sign-up for a campus visit.