In-person registration is available at the Administration Office (1043 Mt. Orab Pike) from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Monday through Friday. If you are unable to come during that time or if you have any questions, please contact the Registrar at (937) 378-3730 or
In order to register your student in the Georgetown Exempted Village School District, you will need to:
Complete the Student Enrollment Form.
Gather the needed documentation and email copies to or stop by in-person to have copies made: - Birth Certificate - Social Security Card - Parent/Guardian Driver's License or State Issued ID Card - Immunization Shot Records - Proof of Residency (current utility bill, lease, mortgage)* - Custody paperwork (if applicable) - IEP or 504 (if applicable)
Create an account and complete all forms in FinalForms (instructions below).